b'Richard C. SmithAll Seeing demonstrates many of the typical elements of Smiths sculpture.A powerfully dominant, singular figure contains a multiform accumulation ofsouls, at once both inscribed on its surfaces and articulated as complete al-ternative creature from certain viewpointsthus the kneeling figure domi-nated by a shockingly mute and sightless white mask, which neverthelessseems to contain the universe, is replaced when upturned by a seated andaltogether more gnomic apparition. In the sculpture, as in the drawings, in-dividual elements often perform multiform tasks of representation. In AllSeeing, for example, hands (or perhaps paws) and elbows are also faces, andfeet are little figures that cling on for dear life, as though here is a creaturein which bodily integrity is at best tenuous, or which is some kind of pluricel-lular organism. Moreover, the body literally opens up to reveal furthersouls that can be released from cavities inside. Detail of The All Seeing. View through one of the figures eyes.11'